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WECIL Celebrate Success at the Annual Play Awards!

Illustration of children playing with blocks

We’re really happy to let you know that we’ve won The Altogether Different Award at the Annual Playwork Awards! This special event took place on Tuesday 5th March at the heart of the National Playwork Conference held in Eastbourne, which is hosted by Training, Playwork and Play CIC.

Suzanna Law was the convenor of the award, with International Play Association England kindly sponsoring it. This award is given to people or groups who are doing an excellent job at welcoming everyone, no matter who they are or where they’re from. WECIL’s win comes less than a week after our triumph at the Bristol Social Impact Awards, where we secured the Equity and Diversity Award, further recognising our role as leaders in championing diversity and inclusion.

Our team continue working hard to make sure we include everyone. We focus on learning more about different kinds of people and finding ways to meet their needs, this is just as important in play as in all areas of life.

This award really recognizes the important work we’re doing across the West of England. We’re making sure that the Playwork we do is open to everyone and values all the different people in our community.

Photo of children playing around a raised sandpit fill with flour

To us, these awards are more than just prizes. They show that we’re on the right track to making the world a fairer place for everyone. They also show that Playwork is a great way to bring different people together and help them understand each other better.

Matt Justice, who leads our work with children and young people, said “We’re so honoured to win this award. It shows that our team’s hard work to make Playwork inclusive is really making a difference. We believe that playing should be fun and special for everyone, no matter who they are. This new award, along with the one we won in Bristol, encourages us to keep breaking down barriers and building a community that welcomes everyone.”

We’re so proud of this award and want to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. We’ll keep working to make sure everyone can enjoy and benefit from Play.

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