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Reflection on FoSB with Kyrby Brown

Last Thursday, Kyrby Brown, Access Coordinator at WECIL, spoke at Future Leap’s Festival of Sustainable Business Conference, participating in the panel discussion “Leading Change: Brand Activism, Communications, and Business.

Kyrby discussed the role of businesses in supporting Disabled people’s rights and how for sustainability to be truly sustainable, we need to include everyone on the journey from the outset, rather than accessibility being an afterthought.

We asked Kyrby some questions reflecting on the day:

What was your highlight from the event?

My highlight from the event was being able to introduce the pressing issue of accessibility to industry leaders and address the issue of access within large multi-national enterprises.

What is one thing you learned?

One thing I learned was that the majority of the so called ‘green’ energy we are sold comes from a range of non-environmentally friendly places.

What is your closing remark about brand activism?

My closing remark would be that brands should be taking their own responsibility for their social and environmental impact. Promise what you can, always look to improve and ensure what you say and what you do align.

For more insights on accessibility and inclusivity follow our business page to continue the conversation:

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