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Out & About

Providing short breaks for Disabled children and young people around Bristol.

Who we are

Out & About is a group of specialist organisations who work together to provide inclusive sessions and support for Disabled and SEND children and young people.

WECIL leads the Out and About Consoritum, we have been delivering our services for over 10 years, and as a Disabled People’s Organisation, lived experience is at the heart of everything we do. Combined with the specialist experience of our partners, the services we offer are specifically tailored to meet the needs of the individuals in the sessions.

We consist of 3 main organisations:

We recognise that every child and family is unique, and there is not a one size fits all approach for the support we offer.

Our services around Bristol

Group of young people making food


Our Youth programme is open to Disabled young people aged 13-19 years old. We offer a range of regular evening and weekend sessions which help individuals grow in confidence, meet new people and build positive relationships with themselves and each other.

Group of children playing outdoors


Our Play programme provides a range of drop off family activities for Disabled and SEND children aged 5-12 years old and their siblings. Regular stay and play and drop off weekend sessions help Disabled children develop as individuals, build social skills and have fun with others, whilst giving parents and carers the chance to spend time doing something for themselves.

Young person playing the piano


Our Autism services provides Drop off Youth sessions for Children and Young People aged 8-12 and 13-19. The sessions are delivered in line with feedback from the Children and Young People to ensure that we are delivering what they would like. Whilst autistic children and young people are welcome in all of our sessions these sessions are designed for those Children and Young People who may struggle in busier environments.

Two boys, walking and one got his arm around the other one

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)

Khaas provides a unique range of recreational, respite and educational activities for BAME Disabled children / SEND and their families. Khaas has over 35 years of experience in working with BAME communities and are well placed with skills, experience, knowledge, and expertise. The majority of our staff are from different BAME backgrounds and speak Punjabi, Urdu, Bangla, Hindi, Somali and English.

Young person in sensory rich environment

Sensory Impairments

WECIL offers a place for Children and Young People with complex disabilities and sensory support needs including those who are Deafblind. We build connections by developing communication skills and independence, meeting other people, being creative with arts and crafts and taking part in sport and exercise.

Young person in a classroom with a pumpkin

Complex Needs

WECIL  run a Holiday playscheme for Disabled children and young people aged 5-18 with complex needs and/or who display challenging behaviour. We are highly experienced in managing children with complex or challenging needs and providing fun and engaging activities to help them develop as individual.

Our sessions also help children connect with one another and feel a unique sense of belonging that they might not feel in mainstream environments.

Two girls smiling


Our Befriending service is a well established provision which links Disabled children and young people with a volunteer ‘buddy’. This 1:1 support is for those who may find group sessions more difficult and offers an opportunity for your child to go out and about with a volunteer who can help support with developing independence and self confidence.

Providing a safe and supportive environment for Disabled children and young people

For wider support

Whether your child has recently been diagnosed or is in the process of being diagnosed, it is totally normal for them to face struggles. Whenever you are ready, there is a whole range of support and resources available to help you navigate these situations so you and your child don’t have to struggle in silence. 

Health and general support

WECIL’s Navigators service is a brilliant first port of call to direct you to the right place for support.

You can contact them on 0117 947 9919 or email at [email protected]. You can also contact FLORA (Families, Local Offer, Resources and Advice) on [email protected] or 0117 352 6020.

For more general information and signposting, you can also visit Bristol’s SEND Local Offer provided by Bristol City Council

Educational support

Most children and young people with special educational needs or a disability (SEND) go to a local mainstream school. Where a child or young person has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) and their needs cannot be met within a mainstream school, a placement in a maintained special school or independent or non-maintained provision may be required.

We recommend speaking to Send and You who deliver the SENDIASS (Special Education Needs and Disabilities, Information and Advice Support Service).

You can contact them on 0117 9897725 and visit their website for more information.

Benefits and entitlements

To find out about the benefits that you and your child are entitled to, our Navigators service provides speciality Disability related benefits advice.

Your child can use their Disability benefits to help them live the life they choose, including extra curricular activities and opportunities. To find out about the support available, contact the Navigators here.

Short breaks play and family support

WECIL’s Children and Young People department also offer short breaks in Bristol and BANES where Disabled and SEND children get together for regular evening or weekend sessions.

There are also lots of other short break opportunities available in each local area: Bristol Local Offer, B&NEs Local Offer, South Gloucestershire Local Offer, North Somerset Local Offer

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