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The voting day Easy Read

You need to vote at your nearest polling station. 

You can find your nearest polling station using your local council website

Find your polling station and ward in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and B&NES.

Just type your postcode into the search bar it will let you know your nearest place where you can go to vote.

You will get a polling card sent to your home.

This will have information about where you can go to vote.

You can ask for assistance and support to help you vote.

To see what support you can have, you can check the council website or call the number on the council website. 

Accessibility areas in polling stations in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and B&NES.

Remember to bring your photo ID with you.

Your photo ID can be a passport, driving license, a provisional license, or a diamond buss pass.

When you arrive at the polling station follow the signs to entrance. These are normally big arrows.

When you enter the building, you might have to queue behind people if it is busy.

There will be a desk with people sat behind it.

They will ask for your name and address and then to see your photo ID.

You will be given a ballot paper and a list of candidates (the people you can vote for). 

If you need help the people behind the desk will tell you where and how to vote.

You will then go to a private booth.

If you need access requirements these will be provided like a lower voting booth.

You then put a cross in the box of the person you want to vote for using a pencil.

You fold your ballot paper and then you put it in a ballot box.

People will show you or there will be a label telling you where the ballot box is.

After you have put your vote in this box, you can leave the building.

If you need help to vote you can take someone with you to help or ask for help at a polling station

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